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write off的用法与搭配


    The subsequent reckoning has forced major banks to write off vast sums of money .
    The alternative is to write off loans and recapitalise their banks directly .
    Mrs merkel said a deal was at hand but again rejected pressure from the imf to write off some of greece 's debt to euro-zone partners to make it more sustainable .
    But don 't write off the power of the human brain .
    Last year I had to go through all twelve months of my bank statements and highlight anything I could write off .
    Its shares were down a significant percentage from the previous year and it was forced to write off over $ 2 billion .
    She sees a lesson for educators : we have to be careful not to write off poorer performers at an early stage when in fact their iq may improve significantly given a few more years .
    If you write off every exception to a supposed rule you will never think to challenge the rule .
    Banks should also write off credit card debt of those killed in the quake the china banking regulatory commission said in a statement .
    Households will be helped as banks just write off part of their boomtime lending .

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